Save Your Relationship and Stop Your Break Up

Think about what it is you are trying to save.
Do you just want your ex partner back just because you feel that you can’t have them? Maybe you just don’t like the idea of your partner being with someone else? Was it an abusive or controlling relationship? Did one or both of you cheat? Just remember, it doesn’t matter what happened, it can be saved.

Be the person they fell in love with.
Chances are you were an attractive person when you first met. They might have liked your looks or your personality. How have you changed? Have you become the whining and begging individual that can’t bear to be without them? For now on, always be positive around them and everyone around you.

Control your emotions and guard what you say.

If you keep saying anything to save your relationship, you could lose the chance to get your ex partner back. Do not respond to your breakup by whining, crying and begging them to come back because this method does not work. You are just going to irritate them and drive him further away. You need to understand that even though they have initiated the breakup, they may still have feelings for you even if they don’t know it.

Use past memories to your advantage.

If they’ve ever complimented on an outfit that you have worn, wear it again. If there is a type of perfume that you have worn that they liked you wearing, wear it again. The point is you need to become attractive again. Not just to your ex partner but to everyone around you. This will definitely work in your favor.

Remember, no situation is hopeless and no break up is certain.

Every day, in fact, every minute, couples get back together regardless of the situation. No matter who cheated, or who said what. Just remember, you can change YOU now. Don’t try to change them.

Agree with the break-up.

Whenever I give advice on these situations, this seems to be the hardest to cope with. The most important thing you need to do is agree with the break-up because as long as you’re fighting against their decision you won’t be able to work towards getting them back.

Find other things to focus on.

From now on, concentrate on what you’re good at. Make your self better and make everything around you better too. If you’re good at your job, do well with that.

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